20 VR Apps for Classroom Every Type Class Room Use

The landscape of classrooms is evolving rapidly, incorporating digital boards, tablets, and computers as standard. As we progress, the integration of virtual reality (VR) becomes increasingly compelling, despite its substantial cost.

In this article, we’ll explore 20 engaging educational VR apps that breathe life into lessons and demonstrate the potential of VR in education.

What is Virtual Reality?

Virtual Reality (VR) is a computer-generated environment that simulates reality. By wearing VR glasses, users are immersed in a virtual world, experiencing depth and three-dimensional visuals.

20 VR Apps for Classroom Use

Language Learning VR Apps

  1. House of Languages: Offers interactive language learning in English, German, or Spanish through virtual scenarios.
  2. ImmerseMe: Provides immersive language learning experiences in nine languages through diverse scenarios.
  3. Mondly – Learn Languages in VR: Offers real dialogues in 30 languages, providing instant feedback on pronunciation.

Science VR Apps

  1. Ocean Rift: Allows students to explore underwater ecosystems and marine life in a virtual aquatic safari park.
  2. ThinkLink: Enables educators to create interactive content with images and videos for various subjects.
  3. InMind VR 2: Offers an interactive journey through the human brain, educating users about its functions.
  4. 4D Anatomy: Allows students to explore and interact with anatomical structures in the human body.
  5. Apollo 11 VR: Provides a first-person perspective of the iconic NASA mission to the moon.
  6. Discovery VR: Offers immersive 3D content from Discovery Channel documentaries across various subjects.
  7. Google Expeditions: Guides students through 360° scenes and 3D objects across subjects like history, science, and the arts.

Math VR Apps

  1. Number Hunt: Engages students in math concepts through a virtual adventure of finding and solving number-related challenges.
  2. Math Virtual Reality: Visualizes abstract math concepts in a 3D environment, aiding understanding for visual learners.

Geography VR Apps

  1. Titans of Space: Provides a scaled-down view of planets and moons, facilitating understanding of celestial bodies.
  2. YouTube VR: Offers immersive 360° videos for exploring nature, countries, cultures, and historical sites.
  3. Google Earth VR: Allows virtual exploration of real-world locations, enhancing geographical understanding.

History VR Apps

  1. Unimersiv: Offers virtual experiences ranging from exploring historical events to visiting ancient civilizations.
  2. Anne Frank House VR: Provides a detailed virtual tour of the Secret Annex, enhancing understanding of WWII.
  3. KingTut VR: Offers immersive experiences like exploring King Tutankhamun’s Tomb, bringing history to life.

Art VR Apps

  1. Vermillion: A VR painting app simulating oil painting on canvas with various features for artistic expression.
  2. Tilt Brush: Enables creation of 3D artworks in virtual space using dynamic brushes.

Best VR Glasses for Education

Various VR glasses are available, catering to different budgets and requirements:

  • Google Cardboard: Affordable option transforming smartphones into VR devices.
  • Oculus Quest 2: Offers a high-quality VR experience with integrated touch controllers.
  • ClassVR: Designed specifically for schools, offering a comprehensive VR platform.
  • RedBox VR: Provides an all-in-one VR kit with support services tailored for educational use.
  • HTC Vive: Offers high-quality VR experiences suitable for advanced education settings.

Is VR Poosible to came in India?

Yes, virtual reality (VR) technology is available in India. While the adoption of VR may vary depending on factors such as market demand, affordability, and technological infrastructure, VR devices and content are accessible in India through various channels.

Many international VR headset manufacturers, such as Oculus (owned by Meta, formerly Facebook), HTC Vive, and others, distribute their products globally, including in India. Additionally, there are local companies and distributors that offer VR hardware and software solutions tailored to the Indian market.

Furthermore, VR applications and content are being developed and utilized across various sectors in India, including education, healthcare, entertainment, and industrial training. Schools, universities, and businesses in India are increasingly exploring the potential of VR technology to enhance learning, training, and customer experiences.

While VR adoption in India may still be in its early stages compared to some other regions, the technology is indeed available and accessible to those interested in leveraging its capabilities.

When will be chance to came VR Apps in Indian Schools?

The adoption of virtual reality (VR) apps in Indian schools depends on several factors, including technological infrastructure, affordability, educational policies, and willingness to embrace innovative teaching methods.

As of now, some schools in India are already beginning to explore the integration of VR technology into their classrooms, albeit on a relatively small scale.

The timeline for widespread adoption of VR apps in Indian schools will likely depend on the following:

  1. Technological Infrastructure: Schools need access to VR hardware, such as headsets and compatible devices, as well as a reliable internet connection to support VR applications. As technology becomes more affordable and infrastructure improves, more schools may consider implementing VR into their curriculum.
  2. Affordability: The cost of VR hardware and software can be a significant barrier to adoption, particularly for schools with limited budgets. As prices decrease and more affordable options become available, VR technology may become more accessible to a wider range of schools in India.
  3. Educational Policies and Curriculum Integration: Educational authorities and policymakers play a crucial role in determining the adoption of new technologies in schools. As VR technology demonstrates its potential to enhance learning outcomes, there may be initiatives to incorporate VR apps into the curriculum and provide support for teachers to integrate them effectively.
  4. Teacher Training and Support: Teachers need training and support to effectively integrate VR apps into their teaching practices. Professional development programs and resources that empower educators to leverage VR technology can facilitate its adoption in schools.
  5. Demonstrated Educational Benefits: As more research and evidence emerge on the educational benefits of VR technology, including improved engagement, retention, and understanding of complex concepts, schools may be more inclined to invest in VR apps for their classrooms.


While the exact timeline for the widespread adoption of VR apps in Indian schools is difficult to predict, ongoing advancements in technology and a growing recognition of the potential benefits of VR in education suggest that it could become more prevalent in the coming years.

As schools continue to adapt to changing educational needs and embrace innovative teaching methods, the integration of VR apps may become increasingly common in Indian classrooms.

Is VR Education is the best way to the upcoming Generation?

Whether VR education is the best way for the upcoming generation depends on various factors, including the specific learning objectives, the context in which it is used, and individual student needs. VR education certainly offers unique benefits and opportunities, but it may not be universally applicable or superior in all cases. Here are some considerations:

  1. Engagement and Immersion: VR can provide immersive and interactive learning experiences that engage students in ways traditional methods cannot. By creating realistic simulations and environments, VR can help students visualize abstract concepts, explore complex scenarios, and develop practical skills.
  2. Experiential Learning: VR enables experiential learning by allowing students to actively participate and engage with educational content. By simulating real-world environments, students can gain firsthand experiences and learn through trial and error in a safe and controlled setting.
  3. Accessibility and Inclusivity: VR has the potential to make education more accessible and inclusive by accommodating diverse learning styles and needs. It can provide personalized learning experiences tailored to individual preferences and abilities, allowing students to learn at their own pace and in ways that suit them best.
  4. Global Connectivity: VR technology can facilitate global connectivity and collaboration by enabling students to interact with peers, experts, and resources from around the world. Virtual classrooms and collaborative environments can promote cross-cultural exchange, teamwork, and collective problem-solving.
  5. Supplemental Learning Tool: While VR can enhance traditional classroom instruction, it is most effective when used as a supplemental learning tool rather than a replacement for other educational methods. Integrating VR experiences into a broader curriculum can provide students with diverse learning opportunities and support multidimensional learning outcomes.
  6. Limitations and Challenges: Despite its potential benefits, VR education also poses challenges and limitations, including cost, technical constraints, content development, and potential health and safety concerns. Additionally, not all subjects or learning objectives may be well-suited for VR, and it may not be accessible to all students due to resource limitations or physical constraints.


In conclusion, VR education has the potential to revolutionize learning and provide valuable opportunities for the upcoming generation.

However, its effectiveness depends on thoughtful implementation, pedagogical considerations, and ongoing research to understand its impact on learning outcomes.

As technology continues to evolve and educational practices adapt, VR will likely play an increasingly important role in shaping the future of education.

VR Apps Drawback and benefits in education?

Virtual reality (VR) apps offer both benefits and drawbacks when used in education. Let’s explore each:


  1. Engagement: VR apps provide immersive experiences that captivate students’ attention and foster deep engagement with the subject matter. This can lead to increased motivation and enthusiasm for learning.
  2. Experiential Learning: VR allows students to explore realistic simulations and environments, providing experiential learning opportunities that enhance understanding and retention of concepts.
  3. Active Participation: With VR, students become active participants in their learning, rather than passive recipients of information. They can interact with objects, manipulate variables, and solve problems in a hands-on manner.
  4. Accessibility: VR can make education more accessible to students with diverse learning styles and needs. It can accommodate visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learners, as well as students with disabilities, by providing customizable experiences.
  5. Global Connectivity: VR enables students to connect with peers, experts, and resources from around the world, fostering collaboration, cultural exchange, and global awareness.
  6. Safety and Risk-Free Learning: VR allows students to explore hazardous or inaccessible environments in a safe and controlled manner. For example, they can conduct science experiments, explore historical sites, or dissect virtual specimens without risk.


  1. Cost: VR technology can be expensive to implement, including the cost of hardware, software development, and ongoing maintenance. This may limit access to VR education in schools with limited budgets.
  2. Technical Constraints: VR experiences may require powerful hardware and reliable internet connections, which may not be available in all educational settings. Technical issues such as latency, motion sickness, or equipment malfunction can also disrupt learning.
  3. Content Development: Creating high-quality VR content for education can be time-consuming and resource-intensive. There may be a limited selection of educational VR apps available, and existing content may not align with curriculum standards or learning objectives.
  4. Health and Safety Concerns: Prolonged use of VR headsets may cause discomfort, eye strain, or motion sickness in some users. Additionally, there are concerns about the potential long-term effects of VR on cognitive development, especially in young children.
  5. Isolation: Immersive VR experiences may isolate students from their physical surroundings and peers, limiting opportunities for social interaction and collaboration. This can have implications for social-emotional learning and interpersonal skills development.
  6. Learning Transfer: There is limited research on the long-term impact of VR education on learning outcomes and transferability of skills to real-world contexts. It remains unclear whether skills acquired in virtual environments can be effectively applied in offline settings.


Integrating VR into classrooms holds immense potential for enhancing learning experiences. Despite budget constraints, options like Google Cardboard can still provide valuable educational opportunities. Especially in times when physical travel is limited, investing in VR can significantly benefit students’ learning journeys.

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